【预告】报告题目:Bioinspired Porous Materials for DropletManipulation and Stimulus Responsive Drug Release


报告题目:Bioinspired Porous Materials for DropletManipulation and Stimulus Responsive Drug Release

时  间:2019年7月12日(周五)下午14:30

地  点:基础实验楼C座307

报 告 人: 赵毅教授

报告人简介:  Dr.Yi Zhao is a professor in Biomedical Engineering at Ohio State University. Heholds a courtesy appointment in Ophthalmology and is a graduate faculty memberin Mechanical Engineering and Biophysics graduate program. Dr. Zhao receivedhis BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University, Chinain 2000 and 2002, and his PhD degree in Manufacturing Engineering from BostonUniversity in 2006. His research interests include the development ofminiaturized systems for point-of-care diagnosis and treatment, and thedevelopment of lab-on-chip systems for exploring electromechanical interactionsbetween living organisms and engineering environment. He is also interested ininvestigating critical mechanical, material and fabrication issues inmicro/nanosystems.Dr.Zhao’s research has been supported by federal, state, and private sponsorsthrough peer-reviewed research projects. The funding agencies include NationalScience Foundation, National Institute of Health, Glaucoma Research Foundation,Ohio Department of High Education, and a number of internal awards. He is therecipient of National Science Foundation Early Faculty Career Development(CAREER) Award (2010) and Ohio State Lumley Research award (2011) and OhioState Innovator award (2019).