公开发表论文300多篇,获授权发明专利81件,实用新型专利10件。近五年代表论文: Computation-guideddescriptor for efficient zeolite catalysts screening in C4alkylation process,ChemicalEngineering Science,241(2021) 116726 Electroniccoupling enhanced PtCo/CeO2 hybrids as highly active catalystsfor the key dehydrogenation step in conversion of bio-derivedpolyols, ChemicalEngineering Science,229(2021) 116060 Enhancing theConversion of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from NaphthenicHeavy Oil: Novel Process Design, Comparative Techno-EconomicAnalysis, and Life Cycle Assessment, Ind.Eng. Chem. Res. ,2020,59, 20086-20101 ReversingTitanium Oligomer Formation towards High-Efficiency and GreenSynthesis of Titanium-Containing Molecular Sieves, Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.,2020,59,1–7 Engineeringthree-layer core–shell S-1/TS-1@dendritic-SiO2 supported Aucatalysts towards improved performance for propene epoxidationwith H2 and O2, GreenEnergy & Environment,5(2020) 473-483 Influence ofLewis Acid on the Activity and Selectivity of Pt/MCM-41(Al)Catalysts for Oxidation of C3 Polyols in Base-Free Medium,Ind.Eng. Chem. Res.,2019,58, 20259−20269 TechnoeconomicAnalysis and Life Cycle Assessment of Five VGO ProcessingPathways in China,Energy&Fuels,2019,33, 12106−12120 Enhancedstability for propene epoxidation with H2 and O2 overwormhole-like hierarchical TS-1 supported Au nanocatalyst,ChemicalEngineering Journal ,377(2019) 119954 Synergisticeffects of bimetallic PtRu/MCM-41 nanocatalysts for glyceroloxidation in base-free medium: Structure and electronic couplingdependent activity, AppliedCatalysis B: Environmental , 259 (2019) 118070 Hydrogenationand TMP Coupling Process: Novel Process Design, Techno-EconomicAnalysis, Environmental Assessment and Thermo-EconomicOptimization,Ind.Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58, 10482-10494 Understandingthe Effect of Acid Strength on the Alkane-Alkoxide HydrideTransfer Reaction over Solid Acid Catalysts: Insights fromDensity Functional Theory, Ind.Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58, 9314-9321 ManipulatingGold Spatial Location on Titanium Silicalite 1To Enhance the Catalytic Performance for Direct PropeneEpoxidation with H2 and O2, ACSCatal. , 2018, 8, 10649−10657 Selectivepropylene epoxidation in liquid phase using highly dispersed Nbcatalysts incorporated in mesoporous silicates, ChineseJournal of Chemical Engineering, 26 (2018) 1278–1284 催化裂化技术面临的挑战与机遇,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2017,41(5):171-177 EfficientConversion of Light Cycle Oil into High-Octane-Number Gasolineand Light Olefins over a Mesoporous ZSM 5Catalyst, Energy& Fuels , 2017, 31, 6968−6976 Au/TS-1 catalystfor propene epoxidation with H2/O2: Anovel strategy to enhancestability by tuning charging sequence, AIChEJournal,2016,62,3963-3972 CFB提升管等效反应器网络模型,化工学报,2016,67(8):3268-3275 Nature of activesites and deactivation mechanism for n-butaneisomerizationover alumina-promoted sulfated zirconia,Journalof Catalysis ,338(2016) 124–134